Real Life

Coffee: A Joyful Toolkit for Hard Times

When life is stressful, I try to savor tiny moments of joy. And something that brings me an incredible amount of joy is making coffee every morning. It’s also a joy that I shared with my step-dad Mahlon. I blame him for getting me hooked on this tasty beverage.

Since coffee brings me joy, and infuses creativity and calm into my life, I thought it would be fun to share the tools I use to make the perfect cup of coffee. Today’s letter is lighthearted, and hopefully a fun read for fellow coffee lovers!

With that, here's a list of what’s in my coffee making toolkit:


Freshly roasted—and fair trade—coffee is a must have in our kitchen. I love Coava Coffee, Northbound Coffee, and Temple Coffee. Light roasts with chocolate and almond flavors are my favorites. I was a big fan of adding cream to my coffee. Now that I know how to make a good cup of coffee, I drink it black.

Zassenhaus Coffee Mill

We’ve had the Zassenhaus Coffee Mill for roughly 8 years, and it’s one of my favorite purchases. It’s sturdy, cute, and we haven’t had any problems with the mill. Hand-grinding freshly roasted coffee beans with this little mill is pure joy!

Brewing Tools: Scale, Filter & CHEMEX®

After the COVID-19 crisis began, we purchased new tools to make coffee at home because our daily brew was either too strong or too weak, and that had to change. We bought a Six Cup Glass Handle CHEMEX® and a Coava Cone Filter. We also purchased a refurbished scale on e-Bay. The scale is a game changer because I'm able to consistently measure our coffee grounds and water accurately. The result is a perfect cup of home brewed coffee. We follow this brew guide for optimal results.

Popular Brew Methods

Brew guides for many popular brewing methods can be found here. I recommend checking them out!

Parting Words

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the magnitude of the COVID-19 crisis. People have lost loved ones, jobs, and are struggling to adjust to our new normal. Life is tough for many folks. Yet, it is possible to create small moments of joy in everyday life. For me, that includes creating the perfect cup of coffee at home.

Important Note

I’m not an affiliate for any of the products or companies I mentioned above. I shared these tools because they are useful in my daily life. If you decide to purchase a coffee making kit, do your research. For example, you can find used and refurbished scales, coffee pots, and more online.

Good Links

+ My love for coffee goes deep; so deep that I spent over 5 years taking coffee themed photos. If you’re a new subscriber, read my post—On Endings & Beginnings. It describes my long running (and now retired) photography project. You can also read my short book—My Morning View: An iPhone Photography Project about Gratitude, Grief & Good Coffee (print or e-book).

+ Beach Read by Emily Henry is a lighthearted novel about two writers. If you're looking for a good love story, I recommend this book. And if you're a writer, you'll find a few helpful writing tips in the novel.

+ A few weeks ago, I read an advance copy of my friend Cait Flanders' new book—Adventures in Opting Out—and I adored it.

+ Looking for more good reads? Check out my Bookshop page.

With gratitude,


On Love, Loss & See's Candy

Last weekend, we received sad news. Our sweet Grandma Pat passed away in her sleep. She was 96-years-old, and she was many things: classy, kind, hard-working, and humble. We knew Pat's death was coming. A few weeks ago, she opted for Hospice care. If times were normal, we could have visited Pat during the last few weeks of her life. But these aren't normal times.

I'm sad we couldn't visit Pat, and I'm feeling immense gratitude. We moved back to Northern California in September 2012 and over the past eight years we got to see Pat frequently. For example, when we lived in the same community, I occasionally took her to doctor appointments or grocery shopping.

On our adventures, I made it a point to ask Pat about her life experiences. I adored her stories! Pat grew up in Los Angeles, and as a little girl she'd sneak onto the Fox lot to watch movie's being made. I also loved Pat's stories about what it was like to live through the Great Depression and her transition from a city girl to a cattle woman. Plus, the lessons she imparted about living simply and saving money guided us to a happier life.

I shared a wisdom bomb from Pat in my journal—Everyday Adventures: Tiny Quests to Spark Your Creative Life. I thought it would be fitting to share again. Here’s what I wrote.

In late 2015, I drove my grandma-in-law, Pat, to a doctor’s appointment in Medford, Oregon. The drive from her home outside of Yreka, CA to Medford takes about one-hour. On the drive back home, we talked about a variety of topics including the healthcare system, my step-dad’s death in 2012, and what it means to live well into old age.

I asked Pat, “If you could give advice to an 18-year-old, advice that would help that person live a good life, what would you say?”

Pat offered the following:

1. Spend time with your loved ones.

2. Enjoy each moment because you never know what’s going to happen next.

3. Do the things you want to before your body or mind gives out.

No matter what your age, Pat’s advice is invaluable, and her words of wisdom are at the heart of this journal.

I will miss many things about Pat; especially our trips to See's Candy. When we did errands in Medford, OR, we always stopped at See's. Inevitably, we'd come home with a few boxes of candy. On each visit, I'd end up with chocolate on my shirt or face. Not Pat, though.

I will remember Pat in perfectly pressed white jeans, paired with a floral blouse, and jewelry and lipstick that matched. She was so classy! Just writing about Pat's style makes me want to up my wardrobe game.

Technically, Pat was my grandma-in-law, but she felt like my Grandma. And she reminded me of my Grandma Mable and Great Aunt Mamie. Both passed away shortly after I started college in 1998. If there is a heaven, I hope Pat will enjoy See's Candy with my loved ones. They never got to meet, and I suspect they would have been great friends.

We are sad Pat's gone, and we know it was her time. She is loved and is already missed.

Thank you for reading. Be safe!

With gratitude,

Tammy Strobel

10 Micro-Memoirs on Digital Minimalism, Blogger Burnout, Work & More

Happy New Year!

It feels good to write this letter because I've been struggling to get words onto the page/screen. I'd write a 1000 words, then delete all my words, then start the process all over again. Write. Delete. Write. Delete. Needless to say, the writing process hasn't been fun.

My friend Cait Flanders helped me shift my perspective. Yesterday, I read Cait's newsletter and I loved the format!

In her latest missive, Cait shared “10 updates/thoughts written in just 100 words each.” After reading her letter, I thought to myself: This would be a fun writing challenge. I'm going to "steal like an artist" and do something similar with my newsletter!

The style of Cait’s letter reminded me of Beth Ann Fennelly's book—Heating & Cooling: 52 Micro-Memoirs—and a writing exercise I did at the Paris American Academy. In our memoir workshop, we wrote mini memoirs. This style of writing provides a tiny snapshot of who you are in a very short format. It's a fun exercise!

With that, let's dive in …

100 Words on 2019

Words can't express my gratitude for 2019. I filled my year with travel, quality time with The Husband & friends, good coffee, cat snuggles, reading, and so much CrossFit. Also, Chico, CA is starting to feel like home (finally)! I did experience hard moments that were worked related, and I'm looking forward to the next phase in my professional life. In short, 2019 was full of learning opportunities and gratitude for the high and low moments.

100 Words on The Year of Food & Movement

Over the last few months, I’ve dedicated my leisure hours to cooking and moving. For example, I'm increasing my weight lifting power at the gym. We worked on 1 rep maxes recently, and I deadlifted 180 pounds and back-squatted 150 pounds (both lifts are PRs)! In addition, I've been making yummy recipes. My favorites include enchiladas, Pad Thai, and other vegetable based dishes. Meditation has also been on my mind. Currently, I’m doing a free mediation challenge (hosted on the Ten Percent Happier app). I’m over a week into the challenge, and it's been so helpful!

100 Words on Digital Minimalism

During 2018, I embraced digital minimalism. I also created new online sharing boundaries for 2019 and beyond. The changes helped start The Year of Food & Movement, read more books, and be present in my daily life. For example, I read 59 books in 2019, listened to lots of podcasts, and now I only subscribe to newsletters I love.

100 Words on Blogger Burnout

During the second half of 2019, I dealt with blogger burnout. I haven't posted words or photos on for the past six months. I also unpublished 99% of my blog archive because it's time for a fresh start. The posts that are public are my favorites! In 2020, I'll continue writing my newsletter and sharing photos online. My biggest aim is: preventing another burnout episode.

100 Words on Work

Running my little business has been a blast, and it's time to pivot. I'm currently applying for traditional jobs and freelance opportunities. I'm not sure how my work life will transform in 2020, and the uncertainty is scary and exciting. It's hard to let go of my business, and I know it's time to experience new adventures in the work world.

100 Words on Money

Earlier this month, we met with our fiduciary for our annual investment review. We will continue to invest in Index Funds and put a portion of our savings into ESG Funds. We're excited to save more in 2020! If you're thinking about investing options, I recommend finding a fiduciary. The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) is a good place to start. They consist solely of fee-only financial planners and offer guidance to consumers. Do your research, and watch out for high fees!

100 Words on Travel

We will continue to invest in experiences (not things). Most of our trips will be in Northern California, and we are planning another trip to Europe! On average, I take an airline flight once a year. It's a privilege to fly, an adventure, and flying is terrible for the environment. I'm starting to research carbon offsetting for my flights. I'm also learning as much as I can about climate change.

100 Words on Climate Change

Earlier this year, I got to see Naomi Klein speak at CSU, Chico. Her talk (and new book) filled me with worry and hope; hope that policymakers and citizens will find a way forward. Also, the following two books offered helpful solutions to mitigate climate change:

+ In Search of the Canary Tree: The Story of a Scientist, a Cypress, and a Changing World by Lauren E. Oakes

+ Kiss the Ground: How the Food You Eat Can Reverse Climate Change, Heal Your Body & Ultimately Save Our World by Josh Tickell

100 Words on Christie

Christie’s health declined in 2019. She started having seizures in late 2018 (right after Elaina died). On average, she has one seizure a month and they are terrifying to watch. They could be the result of her advanced chronic kidney disease or something else. Christie is on medication for the seizures. Also, she continues to eat her favorite “vet approved” food, Royal Canin D. I know Christie won’t be around forever and we’re savoring all her sweet cuddles.

100 Words on 2020

Gratitude, gratitude, and more gratitude. I could write the word gratitude another 97 times, but I think you get the idea. Gratitude is what I'm growing in my life. I'm excited about the year ahead, and I'm grateful that you've taken the time to read my words!

Wishing you a healthy & happy new year!


Good Reads & Listens

Finally, here’s a list of what I enjoyed consuming over the past few months:

Favorite Non-Fiction Books

+ Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale by Adam Minter

+ Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors & the Drug Company that Addicted America by Beth Macy

+ The Mind of the Leader by Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter

Favorite Memoirs

+ The Valedictorian of Being Dead by Heather Armstrong

+ Unbound: A Story of Snow & Self-Discovery by Steph Jagger

Favorite Novels

+ The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes

+ The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Favorite Interviews

+ The Anti-Diet with Evelyn Tribole

+ Making and Breaking Habits, Sanely with Kelly McGonigal

+ A Conversation with Cheryl Strayed & Oprah

Favorite Mini Documentary

+ Why Finland And Denmark Are Happier Than The U.S.

With gratitude,

Tammy Strobel

On Digital Minimalism

On March 23, 2018, I finally quit social media because I wanted my time and attention back. Then I disabled or deleted the following accounts: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Tumblr, Slack, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google Plus, Fitbit, and Flickr.

I wasn't actively sharing my creative work on all the accounts listed above. However, the sites I regularly used—like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram—fragmented my attention. I felt like I was wasting my time, and I was tired of picking up my phone. Plus, I wasn't actively using Flickr, Pinterest, Google Plus, etc. In short, it was time to downsize my digital life and revamp my habits.

The first few weeks without social media in my daily life felt strange. I kept reaching for my phone to check services like Instagram, and then I remembered that I no longer had access to the app. As time moved on, I reached for my phone less often, felt less anxious, more focused, and slightly embarrassed by how much time and mental energy I devoted to social media sites. To be clear, I didn't leave the Internet. I was still sharing words and photos on my blog and with newsletter subscribers.

By the end of April 2018, my twitch to continually check social media sites was gone. Stepping away from the social media rat race felt incredible! Also, the extra time and increased focus enabled me to prepare for a month-long creative writing workshop in Paris, France. Before leaving for Paris, I did a lot of reading and writing to get ready for the course/experience.

Using Facebook in Paris

When I received the welcome email for the writing workshop, my heart sank a little. Part of the email stated that fellow students and instructors would use a private Facebook group to share information about social events during our time in the city. I’d already deleted my Facebook account and wasn’t keen on rejoining the service.

However, I didn’t want to miss out on social gatherings in Paris, so I asked the program director for his advice. The director encouraged me to set-up a "burner" Facebook account for the class under a nom de plume (a pen name). So, that's what I did. I used the group to stay updated on social activities while in Pairs, and when I got home in August 2018, I deleted my account (again).

Looking back, I probably didn't need to join the Paris Facebook group. For example, one of my classmates—a fantastic writer in her early twenties—had never opened a Facebook account, and wasn't planning on creating one for the workshop. She also didn’t miss out on social activities.

Overall, the Facebook group was a helpful logistical tool that led to offline conversations and gatherings that were meaningful. Also, I only used the site for 5 to 10 minutes a day, and then logged off — my fear of wasting time on Facebook while in Paris didn’t happen. I also knew that I would not continue using the service when I returned to the states.

Reactivating Instagram

In September 2018—five months after I quit social media—I reactivated my Instagram account. Out of all the social media sites I deleted/deactivated, Instagram was the only app that I missed because it fostered my interest in photography and art. I was cautious about reactivating my account though. If I was going to use Instagram, I wanted to figure out how I could best use the app for personal and professional purposes.

At the time of this writing, I’ve been sharing photos and some stories on Instagram for roughly four months.

Here’s how I share my work on Instagram:

Posting schedule: I don’t put pressure on myself to post daily. I did that for years, and if I continue to use Instagram, the experience must be fun, not annoying or stressful. Typically, I post a photo three times a week, and I don't follow very many folks on Instagram either. Unless I'm documenting travel-based adventures, I’m not inclined to share images or videos on Instagram Stories.

How I post: I don’t have the Instagram app on my phone because it’s distracting and addicting. Instead, I use an app on my laptop called Flume to manage my Instagram account. Weirdly, I don’t feel the need to check Flume all the time on my computer. However, when the Instagram app is on my phone, I want to check it all the time! As an aside, I upgraded to the pro version of Flume because it’s a great tool.

Time spent on Instagram: When I write a caption and post a photo, the process takes 5 to 15 minutes. If I’m logging on to see what my artist friends are doing, I spend less time on the app. On the high end, I spend less than an hour on Instagram each week.

On Happily Missing Out

Cal Newport defines digital minimalism as:

“A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time to a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.”

When I began sharing my creative work online, I thought that I had to be everywhere to find readers, and that’s part of the reason I had so many social media accounts. I definitely wasn’t a digital minimalist. In retrospective, it would have been better to sign up for one or two social networking sites, instead of many.

Today, I’m happy to miss out, and I certainly don’t miss using Facebook or Twitter, or the other sites I mentioned above. I’d also be fine without Instagram in my life. I’m wary of putting a lot of energy into Instagram because I don’t own the app. Plus, Instagram’s parent company is Facebook (a company that’s engaged in concerning data collection practices).

Currently, Instagram is the only social media account I use, and I don’t know if I’ll continue sharing my work on the app or not. I will continue to put time and energy into my digital home——and other fun writing projects like my newsletter.


If you’re thinking about revamping your digital life, check out the books and articles below. I hope you find them useful.


Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport is excellent! I devoured the book in three days. I'm still processing what I learned from Newport, and I'll probably blog about it soon. I will say this: If you want to declutter your digital life, Digital Minimalism is full of useful tips and tools.

How to Break Up with Your Phone by Catherine Price is a short and helpful read.

In the Moment: 365 Creative Ways to Connect with Your World by Jocelyn De Kwant and Sanny Van Loon isn't about digital minimalism in the traditional sense. It is an interactive journal that fosters mindfulness. The book includes "365 different prompts that encourage you to observe, draw, write, imagine, meditate, and play."

Jocelyn sent me a gratis copy, and I’m incorporating the journal and prompts into my morning routine.


How to Configure Your iPhone to Work for You, Not Against You: This is an incredibly long and instructive article. It’s worth reading!

Why newsletters beat social media: Loved this one!

Goodbyes Are Hard

On Thursday, October 25, 2018, Logan and I said goodbye to one of our best friends, Elaina. Letting her go was one of the hardest things we've done. She was our friend and companion for over 14 years, and it's strange not seeing her daily.

I'm thankful that Christie is still with us. Her health is holding steady, she's eating lots of food, and is incredibly playful. She's also adjusting to life without Elaina in the house.

Christie and Elaina weren't best friends. However, they learned to tolerate one another over the years. I don't know if Christie misses Elaina or not, but she's more loving than usual. For example, as I write these words, I'm lying on the living room floor tapping sentences into my iPhone, and Christie is splayed out on my chest purring with her paw on my shoulder. Christie knows that I've been upset, so she’s been extra attentive.

A few days after we said goodbye to Elaina, we left Christie in the care of my brother-in-law. Going away for the weekend wasn't easy; especially so soon after Elaina's passing. We needed to leave because we had to manage the sale of our tiny house. We officially sold the house on Saturday, October 27, 2018.

A few folks have asked me if saying goodbye to the tiny house was hard, and for me, it was an easy farewell. We lived in the house full-time for four years and used it as a personal vacation cabin for three. That's seven years of little house fun.

In some ways, it feels like I've closed two chapters in my life and the timing is interesting because I turn 40 years old tomorrow. I'm looking forward to starting my 40th year on planet earth!

With gratitude,
